Equity Intraday Tips

  1. Are you a small trader want to make profit in equity trading?
  2. Interested to subscribe for genuine performance update service provider.
  3. Are you expecting to get call in advance to trade in right time?
  4. Read our Frequently Asked Questions FAQ about our service.
    Click Here
    to open the low brokerage trading account.

Intraday equity trading is the most preferable for small investors.

As in this section, you don’t have to wait for Days, or Weeks, or Months, or Years to get return from your investments. We help you develop your mind set according to market need and make a smart trader.

equity intraday tips

No one strategy is correct all the time.”
There is no Holy Grail trading strategy that makes money in every market environment.  – John Paulson

Although, like other type of investments equity trading also follows the “Higher the risk, Higher the return” principle. But our intraday equity tips decrease the risk percentage and help you get highest return.

Features of Equity Tips

  • Calls are generated only from NSE based high liquidity stocks.
  • An average of 60 to 65% accuracy will be maintained.
  • Pre-market calls and trading hour only you will receive.
  • Calls will be reach you minimum 2 min ahead before trigger level.
  • One to three calls will be provided for intraday trading.
  • Trading calls will be send by Telegram Channel.
  • Telegram app can be download from google play store and Apple app store.
  • We will maintain two open position at same time.
  • Rs.100000 Capital money required execute two open calls.
  • Sure shot equity calls genuine past performance will be update daily basis.

Sample Sure Shot Equity Tips

Buy only Above 827.30 Stoploss 821.80 Targets 833 and 844
Sell only Below 816.10 Stoploss 821.80 Targets 810.65 and 799
181 shares for 1000 rupees risk

Mostly we will give pre-market calls before trading hours. Place AMO order. Place both side order. Anyone triggers first close other call. Other side call is invalid after first entry get triggers. We won’t update un-triggered calls in our performance sheet.

How to Trade our Equity Calls

Minimum Capital Required – Rs.100000
Maximum Risk per trade – 1% (Rs.1000) on your trading capital.
Expected Reward per trade – 1.5 times or More

If you have less capital 50000 or 30000 you can trade. But your maximum risk per trade should not exceed 1% of your capital.

  1. Most calls will be given 8.45 am itself.
  2. We will update 2 way call for most of the stock.
  3. Two way call means you will get buy and sell recommendation for same stock.
  4. Place an AMO order immediately receiving call itself.
  5. We will send entry price target, stop loss price and number of shares.
  6.  After 9.15 am if any call triggered immediately place an stop loss order.
  7.  Cancel the other pending order. In 2 way call first entry only valid.
  8. We will update target 1 and Target 2. Target 1 not for booking profit.
  9. If Target 1 reached trial your stop loss to cost price.
  10. Number of shares calculated on basis of 1000 rupees risk per trade. You can reduce the quantity if you have less capital.

How to Subscribe Equity Calls

5 Days trial – You will get trial for 5 trading days.
1 Month –  You will get service for 25 trading days
2 Months – You will get service for 55 trading days
3 Months – You will get service for 90 trading days
(Note – Holidays, Call not given days and call not triggered days are not counted as trading days)

Find the below subscription options

Pricing Details for Intraday Equity Tips

5 Days Paid Trial
495 BUY
1 Month Packages
2200 BUY
2 Months Package
3900 BUY
3 Months Package
5200 BUY

34 thoughts on “Equity Intraday Tips

  1. Hi Kishan,
    Mode of sending calls will be by sms. You will receive our equity calls 3 min advance. So that you have enough time to execute the trade.

    1. Hi SURESH KANCHAN, You can avail 3 days trial service by paying Rs.199 in our website.
      We are providing paid trial service only. We are not providing free trial for our day trading call service.

    1. Hi RT, Our technical team will send day trading calls any time between 10.30 am to 3 Pm. We cannot tell you the exact time of calls. Call sending time may vary and depends on market condition.

  2. Hi,

    Where do i get the tips will this take some time to activate, i bought the trial pack for 3 day completed the payment yesterday but did not get any tips.

    1. Hi Nagendra,
      Due to SMS server error calls are not provided on 29-08-2017. We will start your service today for next 3 days.

  3. hi, i purchased 3 days trial but i found that today one target and one s/l yesterday one equal and before yesterday only some profit. sl is too long

    1. Hi Sanjay, We wont give huge stop loss. Calculate the percentage for both stop loss and target. We always maintain less stop loss and more profit margin. Please check our performance sheet and calculate stop loss and profit percentage. Thanks.

    1. Yes. We will provide One year free intraday calls for trading account opening with us in zerodha
      Click the above link and register for trading account.

  4. Sir में interday treding कर रहा हूं लेकिन मुजजे 25000 का loss लग गया है क्या मुझे अब नही करना चाहिए।


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